
Let's Circle Back to Audax

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Alright. So I really want Legio Audax to be represented in my Legions Imperalis force.

Clearly, Legio Vulpa is going to represent my Battle Titan group (which has a Warlord and a Reaver so can't possibly be Legio Audax) but... still. I want the Ember Wolves, so closely associated with the XII Legion to be represented - especially since I have two warhounds in progress with Audax colours. What's a boy to do? You may remember from the previous post that I can't freehand for crap so I won't be painting the Ember Wolf logo myself. That means I need another solution.

The good news is that there's a lot of images available for the Legio Audax heraldry. That means, in theory, I can create my own waterslide transfers. In theory. To test that theory I zipped over to Bare Metal Foil Co. and placed an order for their inkjet clear transfer paper. I've never made my own transfers before. This MAY be super slick.

Wish me luck.
