Ruling the Waves
by Sizzlypublished on
So I've been painting my epic scale napoleanic sprue. I'm going full on red coats 'cause I love playing 'em in Europa Universalis. Any way. I'm kinda-sorta using the painting guide in the magazine. I don't use Vallejo paints so I've kinda had to fudge a bit. Here's what I'm using for the various elements:
- Redcoat: Khorne Red with a nuln oil wash
- Grey: Mechanicum standard grey with a nul oil wash
- Blue cuffs: Kantor blue with nuln oil wash
- Metal: Leadbelcher with a Nuln oil wash
- Wood: Dryad Bark with an agrax earthshade wash
- Cream: Rakarth Flesh with an seraphim sepia wash
- Flesh: Cadian fleshton with a reiklan flesh tone wash
- Gold: Balthazar gold with an agrax earthshade wash
- leather: Rhinox Hide with a nuln oil wash
I'm painting the horse with rhinox hide and a bit o' highlights but I'm not totally sold yet.